Feared about the lack of job experience?

Now you are out of college and chances are that you don't have the required job experience to take on to the job market. Don't worry nobody has it. How can you expect a freshly college graduate to have 2-3 years of job experience? Are you kidding? Ahh, give me a break! Now every newspaper ad you read asks about 2-3 years of work experience and now that has a reason of its own. Seriously speaking, this is a stratagem that most companies play these days to just retain those who have real hard working appetite. Most companies are looking for the "can-do" attitude and you should say this in the interview and tell them that you are a hard worker and would do your best to accomplish the task offered. If companies sticked to this so called requirements, half the fresh college graduates would never get the interview call!

Although, you might not have the job-relevant experience, you might still have what it takes to get the job done. So go ahead and put some work experience on your resume even if you have worked at a fast-food restaurant. Write about how you multi-tasked yourself to achieve blah blah task. Talk about your leadership skills if you were at any managing position or as a team lead etc. Also write about the projects you took at college and write that you can work in teams etc. Just brainstorm yourself and you can come up with a list of so much qualities that your employer will like and invite you for the initial interview.
Include everything you can on your resume that will qualify you to get your “foot in the door” of the interview room.

Many a times after the initial interview, the companies might send you a well written rejection letter saying that " We liked your skills very much but we are interested in pursuing more experienced candidates right now". Don't get dishearten and leave the rat race. Follow up and let them know that are something the company would miss if they didn't hire you!

Posted byJon at 12:18 PM  


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