Should I do dress in phone interview?

Ok, so now you have gone through the pain staking process of making resume, applying for jobs online and finally been contacted by the employer for an phone-interview. Well, Congratulations very much. But don't get too excited because excitement whilst the phone interview is been known to ruin the whole process. Just focus yourself on the process, everybody has to go through it remember.

Don't think that since the employer is not going to see you, you will be fine since you don't have to shave, dress or makeup yourself. You know the one of the factors that can build your confidence and one the most important one is how you dress while the interview. The research shows that since you dress yourself in the business casuals for the interview and make yourself appropriately, it adds to your confidence drastically.

So, my advice to you is to seriously think as if it were an on-site interview and dress appropriately. You will only see that you are feeling more confident in doing so. Best of luck!

Posted byJon at 9:08 PM  


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