Are you ready to go over it again?

Many times the decisions made by people, let be even multi billion companies don't end up in success. Meaning, they don't go well with what the time demands and hence are in-effective not that they were wrong in first place but just that they were not made with respect to the time. Some decisions can be well good for one particular time period and some for other time period. Moreover, there is no decision that can survive the time line of lifetime. Same thing holds true for one's decision over selecting a particular major. People when selecting a particular major tend to have priorities while doing so. Some would just jump to a major based on their hobbies and some would base their major selection decision based on factors like, "would i be able to do it or not?", "what are the challenges?", "what is the level of competition?","what is the prospective of this xyz major in the job market right now and future?" etc.

No matter what your decision factors are, irrespective of what you do to get going to a major you should have that gut-twists of "hullabaloo" when you think of job market perspective every time. Applying your knowledge that you have gained through all years of schooling since childhood is often exciting, ain't it?

So, now is the time to go over your decision again and think if what you did is right or not. Because now is the right time to do what is right for you in long run. There is no other time in your life where you realize that you owe it to yourself to make a man out of you than it is now! Right here right now is the time where you can revert back if you find yourself not comfortable with the major you chose and register for classes the next semester in the major of your comfort. But, At anytime don't be shameful or feel shy about your decision making ability because from what i have experienced is that there is nothing wrong with the decision but only that it lacked enough information and timeliness to get it go.

Posted byJon at 11:30 AM  


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