Need more job search tools?

I have been looking for now for more job search tools with some requirements in head. This tool that I came across will not only have you right in front of the face of recruiting director/person but also help you send out a professional image. I believe in getting the foot in the door immensely! Once the employer knows that you are out there raising your hand in the market and are looking for job which obviously relates to the field expertise of yours, data miner analyst for a data mining company for example, it is sure going to raise an eyebrow on their head and will definitely take you into consideration.
This tool is very specific and it allows to forward your resume and cover letter as well for a one time fee. Some of the the sites that offer these services are jobbankusa which i used while my job search. This site offers a service which they call it as resume broadcaster. For your reference I have attached a screen shot. The amazing thing with this service is that after giving your resume and your personal information, you will be taken to a screen where you can send your resume targeting to a particular state. I send my resume to State of New-York and State of Texas. you can send to as many states as many you would like but they will charge more 5$ for every state thereafter but not bad. The basic service should cost no more than $40.00.

Also, You can send a customized email if you would like along with your resume forwarding. This is your chance to tell the employer what is the edge you got over others and that you really stand out from the crowd. Try and make an effort in making a very diligent looking letter showing that you have good working quality like hard worker, quick learner etc. Include all you think you possess and will help them prefer you for the job position in competition with others. In conclusion, not much job seekers use this service, so by doing this you really are going that extra mile and showing you professionalism and your dedication towards job search. Last but not the least, this services will send your resume to more than 15,000 employers to the locations you select, isn't that impressive? So, the more states you select the more employers see your resume. good luck!

Posted byJon at 12:37 PM  


Unknown said... February 12, 2018 at 1:04 AM  
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